Alban Maloku Portfolio

Be unique, inspire, and connect

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Content Creator

Content Creator

We tell stories, combining images and sounds for this purpose, thereby simplifying the world. Make them tangible, colourful. We want to open closed eyes and expand our perspective. Bringing the viewer to dive – that is our passion. We achieve this with creativity, youthful curiosity and digital expertise. Uncomplicated, with a lot of flair, up close and as a well-rehearsed team, from the air with a drone, from the ground with a heart.

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Video & Graphics Design

We shape ideas and concepts into successful campaigns. Creatives and storytellers produce original and engaging content for your brand.

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Video & Graphics Design
Website Creator

Website Creator

Would you like a professional website for your company in Basel or do you have an outdated website? Would you like more customer inquiries through your website? 

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Drone Operator

Capturing spectacular footage from unique perspectives


Contact us

You contact us so we create your own story1

Phone :

+33 652 90 46 76

Email :

Address :

France, Switzerland, US